28 December 2014

Horror Genre Film Soundtrack Analysis

'28 Days Later' - 'In the house - In a heartbeat'
Release Date - 17th June 2003
Track length - 4 minutes 19 seconds
Artist - John Murphy

'In the house - In a heartbeat' is an instrumental track by composer John Murphy which was released on June 17 2003 as part of Danny Boyle's Virus sub-genre film '28 Days Later' soundtrack. This track was featured over the climatic confrontation of the film and recurs in several scenes in the sequel '28 Weeks Later'. What I like about this particular soundtrack is the use of overlapping string instruments with ambient guitar chords. John Murphy's composition of the song slowly builds from an isolated single guitar chord to the introduction of a different instrument every moment onwards; this heightens the sense of threat faced by the protagonist. Moreover, the repetition of guitar chords is similar to the pace of a ticking clock therefore, as the pace quickens it could be interpreted that time is running out for the chance of survival. This ultimately evokes the same emotions felt by Jim (protagonist) for the audience as well.

‘The Crazies’ - ‘Mad World’
Release Date - 23rd February 2010
Track Length - 3 minutes 21 seconds
Artist - Gary Jules

'Mad World’ made a popular resurgence when it was re-released in a much slower and sombre minimalist tempo by composers Michael Andrews and Gary Jules for the soundtrack to the movie ‘Donnie Darko’ (2001). This version reached number 1 in the UK in December 2003. It was later in 2010 that ‘Mad World’ was used as the soundtrack to Eisner’s virus sub-genre film ‘The Crazies’.

‘Contagion’ Official Soundtrack
Release Date - Unknown
Track Length - 3 minutes 2 seconds
Artist – Cliff Martinez

Cliff Martinez composed the film’s soundtrack which was his first score since director’s Soderburgh previous film ‘Solaris’ (2002). Given that the pacing of the music was one of Soderburgh’s biggest concerns, Martinez needed to maintain a brisk pace throughout the soundtrack, whilst also conveying fear and hope within the music. Martinez commented during the creation of the film’s soundtrack that ‘(I) tried to use the music to conjure up the sense of tragedy and loss’. What I like about this soundtrack is the atmospheric and abrasive synthesiser sound. ' They're calling my flight' uses piano and synth effect which helps to generate tension through what is know as a music loop. A loop is a repeating section of sound material; short sections of sound can be repeated to create ostinato patterns. Ostinato can be defined as a motif or phase that persistently repeats the same pitch. The use of repetition relates to the film events; for example, when health services in the film feel as though they have the virus under control, a new case is reported and the process of eliminating the virus begins all over again.

‘I Am Legend’ Official Soundtrack
Release Date - Unknown
Track Length - 2 minutes 55 seconds
Artist – James Newton Howard

‘I am Legend’ Official Soundtrack was released on 15th January 2008 and composed by James Newton Howard.