26 April 2015

How effective is the combination of your media product and ancillary texts?


Above, is the link to my response for the question 'How effective is the combination of your media product and ancillary texts?'. I decided to present this answer using an online platform 'Webs'. Webs is an free online website builder that allowed me to create my own webpage specifically focussing on how the combination of my main product and ancillary texts worked together. What I liked about this particular presentation platform was that I was able to present my information as if it were an online newspaper article by embedding trailer stills and videos (see image left) as well as having a separate web address which could be shared amongst peers.

23 April 2015

Final Products - SurveyMonkey Questionnaire Responses

After publishing my SurveyMonkey questionnaire, I received responses regarding my main product (teaser trailer) and ancillary tasks (independent film magazine and movie poster).Below, are printscreens of responses received.

Question 1 responses -

Question 2 responses -

Question 3 responses -

Final Products - SurveyMonkey Questionnaire

Here is the following link to my SurveyMonkey regarding my final three media products (teaser trailer, independent film magazine and film poster) (https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/9XLBTDQ) All three media products have been placed at the beginning of the questionnaire in order for those answering the questions to analyse and refer back to my main task and two ancillary tasks. Questions asked within the survey consists of...


22 April 2015

Video Footage Used Within Final Draft of 'Outbreak'

BBC News - London bombing footage.
This birds eye shot was used when presenting to the audience the extent of damage caused and how emergency services struggled to maintain the demand.

Channel 4 London riots footage.
Initially this computer generated image was used in Channel 4's documentary to highlight where riots had begun across the country yet my group and I decided to use this diagram to show where virus cases had been reported.

1 April 2015

Final Poster Design - Questionnaire

Below, is a screenshot of questions I plan to ask my target audience regarding my three final poster designs.