2 October 2014

Responsibilities within our production

Here is a collated list of group members and their individual roles and responsibilities within our A2 horror genre film trailer.

Jasmine Rosser - Editor

Jasmine's responsibility as Editor will consist of shaping our filming into an effective horror teaser trailer. Jasmine will require the director's help in order to have a greater understanding of their vision visually and auditorily. Jasmine needs abilities both technical and artistic. Because the majority of filming will be shot in non-chronological order, Jasmine will have to be able to have awareness in visualising the end product. The necessary editing software chosen to construct our teaser trailer will be IMovie and Final Cut Pro. Jasmine will gain a greater understanding into how to use these editing programmes via Youtube tutorials.

Dean Fisher - Director

Dean's responsibility as Director will consist of getting our vision onto screen. Dean requires organisational skills and people-management skills. For example, Dean must insist that all members of the production group listen to his approach to the filming of the horror genre teaser trailer as well as his aspirations for the end product.

Rosie Lines - Camerawoman

My responsibility as Camerawoman will consist of focussing on the look of the film through the necessary camera shots as well as composition and lighting within each scene. I require awareness on how to use a digital camera (specifically a Canon EOS 1100D) therefore, I will have to independently within my own time research its many functions via the Canon website. Moreover, I will benefit by researching practical tutorials online through websites such as YouTube.