28 October 2014

Photography Workshop

This workshop was organised by our Media Studies teacher (Miss.Macdonald) to allow my class and I to understand and familiarise ourselves with using a digital camera (specifically a Canon EOS 1100D) and applying techniques that help to achieve a professional look for our product; in this case, my product being a virus sub-genre teaser trailer.

Within this workshop, skills that were developed were -

 - Applying the use of composition, framing and depth of field which all help to hold the audience's attention and create suspense.

- Mastering handheld techniques so that I become prepared when having to shoot on the go, in low light and other challenging situations (especially outside).


The way people or objects are framed within a shot help within the process of storytelling. I had to make sure that within my stills photography, framing only gave a sense of movement whereas, within filming, room must be left for actual movement to happen. For example, applying the rule of thirds. Rule of thirds require you to split the frame into thirds, both vertically and horizontally making the main intersections (lines crossing over one another) give four points.