28 February 2015

Target Audience Questionnaire - Response Analysis

After receiving the necessary responses needed to identify my target audience, I collated the results and analysed reoccurring similarities that would help my group and I define who our product is aimed at (our product being our virus sub-genre revolving around an individuals loss of senses).

Firstly, I asked for the gender of the individual answering the question. Above, is a print screen of the results retrieve. As you can see, majority of the 34 individuals that took part in the survey were female.

33 out of the 34 individuals that answered 'What is your age?' fell into the 15-19 age category. This question was essential as the content of our horror film would have to alter in order to comply with what the British Board of Film Classification guidelines state (http://rosielinesmediaa2.blogspot.co.uk/2014/12/bbfc-classification-of-film.html).................

33 out of the 34 individuals that answered 'Do you own an account on a social networking website?' answered yes. This supports the idea of web 2.0. Web 2.0 is the term given to describe a second generation of the World Wide Web that is focused on the ability for people to collaborate and share information online. 

There are various social networking platforms available online. For example, Twitter and Tumblr reach niche targets through hashtags and by joining conversations whereas, Facebook is more adapted for a broader mainstream group of individuals. Similarly, a blog can be a better solution for audiences interested in a detailed and informative message.

16 out of the 34 participants are employed part-time and 10 out of the 34 are unemployed looking for work. This means that taking into consideration the results obtained, my group and I will have a primary target audience of individuals that fall into categories E and D. Whereas, our secondary audience will be those of a niche group who are independent filmmakers, admire independent film (especially British) or want to gain an insight into how the production of a film is achieved.