23 March 2015

Feather Connotations

For both my movie poster and film magazine, I have decided to use a white feather as my main image. Feathers (specifically white ones) carry many connotations that can be applied to my virus sub-genre film; themes such as hope and protection. Hope applies to how the victims within our virus sub-genre film are hopeful for the viruses existence to end. Whereas, protection applies to how individuals seek protection from the ones they love yet, the ones they love, are a potential source of contamination.

Furthermore, the juxtaposition between the red blood droplets against the white feather supports both Levi-Strauss binary opposites theory and Barthes Enigma theory. The idea of two conflicting images (blood and feather) leaves questions to be answered by the consumer i.e. why is there blood on the feather? who does the blood belong to?

The close-up shot of the feather was unintended and was not drawn into the storyboard. Yet, whilst on location, I suggested to my group members that filming the single feather and adding fake blood to it from our horror make-up kit could serve a purpose within our film.